
Colorado Resolution Day on Christian Genocide

Today with Fr joe Daccache
I went inside the cathedral of immaculate conception, prayed in thanksgiving to Almighty God our Heavenly Father for the Christian martyrs in the Middle East, Africa and the world. Walking through the Holy Door of Mercy, I thanked God for our holy father Pope Francis, and for our bishops Elias Zaidan and Samuel Aquila. I consecrated Lebanon and the Middle East and the work of St Rafka Mission of Hope and Mercy, its teams in Colorado and Lebanon, all its contributors and the people of good will who have been helping us constantly to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, to Our Lady of Guadalupe, to Our Lady of Czestochowa in Poland, and asked the intercession of Pope Saint John Paul II the Great, Saint Rafka, Saint Caterina of Siena, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta and Saint Francisca Cabrini.

See photos and Read Story here