We serve based on the two greatest commandments of God: to love God with all your heart, and to love your neighbor as yourself.

Our Focus

We have been called by His Divine purpose to Aid, Educate, and Save our Christian brothers and sisters — all for the glory of God. We are an extended community of the Holy Church that is striving for unity among all Christians to show solidarity in love. As such, we aim to give concrete hope and evangelize through acts of mercy.


We provide charity through practical aid, supporting the daily needs of impoverished families. This includes food packages, hygiene supplies, baby milk, medicines and medical treatments, and housing provisions.


Through our education and awareness program, we support the needs of several schools and students and spread awareness about the Truth and Hope of Jesus Christ.


Defending religious freedom and defending persecuted Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere, and the value of co-existence, freedom of speech, and religious freedom.


Please partner with us in answering the call of our Lord to spread His love and grace, to bring His healing mercy to those in need, and to raise the voices of His children in the birthplace of the faith.

people fed through our food packages
infants and children provided with nourishing milk
medications supplied to patients in dire need
tons of food distributed to 6,800 families in need
Christmas gifts distributed to children from Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq
students, 20 teachers, and 2 nuns had their school fully funded for one year
families received full sponsorship for one year including medication, rent, home appliances, education, and food
orphans received donations of food, clothing, and Christmas gifts


Blessing the residents of Our Lady of Deliverance (Elderly Shelter)

The Mission of Hope and Mercy extended the hand of charity to the Convent of our Lady of Deliverance. The convent cares for the elderly and is located in Jubayl.

Jubayl, or Byblos, is a city on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, about 20 miles north of Beirut. It is one of the oldest continuously inhabited towns in the world and the English word “Bible” is derived from its Greek name, “Byblos,” meaning papyrus.

The Mission of Hope and Mercy was blessed to provide 1,530 items of food, 600 liters of vegetable oil for cooking, 60 boxes of apples as well as the ability to repair their washing machine. We also supplied urgently needed diesel to run the generators. A constant supply of power is essential for the convent to run oxygen needed by its elderly and infirm residents.

A total of $20,503 of aid was provided to the convent.

Aid to the elderly at Convent


Our Mission is made possible by a diverse group of volunteers with varied interests, talents, and abilities who are using their skills to help end religious persecution and oppression. Interested in volunteering? We need you! Tell us a little about yourself.

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