As we enter this sacred season of Lent, we are reminded of Christ’s forty days in the desert—His suffering, sacrifice, and ultimate victory over darkness. Lent is a time of prayer and fasting. It is a season where we turn our hearts toward God and those most in need.
Right now, in Lebanon, thousands of Christian families and refugees are living in their own desert—hungry, displaced, and in desperate need of hope. The crisis in Lebanon has only deepened, and every day, more families find themselves without food, shelter, or medical care.
Your impact:
Give now and be the hands and feet of Christ this Lent.
We invite you to watch this short video showcasing the impact we’ve made together this past year. Please take a moment to see the faces of those you have helped, the families you have fed, and the hope you have restored.
Apostolate of Our Lady of Hope
St. Rafka Mission of Hope and Mercy
For federal income purposes, St. Rafka Mission of Hope and Mercy is a 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax deductible.
The St. Rafka Mission of Hope and Mercy EIN number is: 47-4855538. View our 2023 Form 990.
© 2024 Apostolate of our Lady of Hope Saint Rafka Mission of Hope & Mercy